Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

‘Independent Observer’ Public Alliance Election Campaign Long-Term Observation Report

March 31, 2017

Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | Publications | Own

Based on the data obtained during the long-term observation of the campaign of RA National Assembly elections of April 2, 2017, the following can be stated:


1. The election campaign was accompanied by acts of violence and pressure, including use of firearms mostly against non-ruling and/or opposition parties and blocs.


2. Ruling RPA committed organized and widespread misuse of administrative resources.


3. No proper responses were provided on the petitions on violations identified during the election campaign submitted to the CEC by member organizations of the Alliance that carried out observation mission.


4. The CEC did not carry out a thorough, including comprehensive examination of the issues raised in the petitions.


5. The CEC did not show enough efforts and will to prevent the offences identified and confirmed during the election campaign and reduce their consequences.


It follows from the above that during the election campaign the candidates, nominated political parties and blocs did not enjoy equal opportunities as prescribed by the RA Electoral Code, the election campaign was accompanied by continuous violations through misuse of administrative resources which were not prevented by the RA CEC and law enforcement agencies and which cast suspicion on the fair and free nature of the elections.


See the full report here



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