Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

HCAV continues monitoring execution of ECHR judgments against Armenia

December 7, 2023

Activities | Law Enforcement Practice Analysis | European Court of Human Rights | Alternative Information on the Execution of ECtHR Judgments on the RA | Strategic Trials | Civilian Oversight and Monitoring | Legislative Proposals and Analysis

On 24 October 2023, HCA Vanadzor submitted a communication regarding execution of ECHR judgments in Muradyan v Armenia cases.


Observations were presented in a procedure established under Rule 9.2 of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements.


The communication was submitted ahead of the 1483rd meeting of the Committee of Ministers in December and in response to the Action Plan presented by Armenia on 10 October 2023 regarding the case of Muradyan v Armenia. 


Muradyan v Armenia case concerns lack of effective investigation into the death of applicant’s son in 2002, who was serving his compulsory military service, (procedural violation of Article 2 of Convention), as well as lack of a credible explanation from the authorities regarding his injury and its entailing death (substantive violation of Article 2).


In the communication, HCA Vanadzor addressed continuous violations of the right to life and the right to be free from ill-treatment in the RA Armed Forces, pointed out its reasons, contributing factors, and drew attention of the RA authorities and CoE Committee of Ministers to, inter alia, well-establishment and development of the practice of officer-psychologists, as well as introduction of military ombudsman to ensure democratic oversight of the defense sector.


CoE CM communicated the report submitted on 24.10.2023 to the RA Government. In response, on 08.11.2023 the RA Government presented a position, whereby they manifested a non-constructive, non-cooperative attitude, trying to accuse HCA Vanadzor of manipulating data.


On 16.11. 2023, HCA Vanadzor presented the second communication in the Muradyan v Armenia case in response to the RA Government’s position of 08.11.2023. 


HCA Vanadzor once again emphasized the need for well-establishment of the practice of officer-psychologists, as non-statutory relations continue to entail death cases in the Armed Forces.


Execution of the ECHR judgment in the case of Muradyan v Armenia is to be discussed during the 1483rd (Human Rights) meeting of the Committee of Ministers (5-7 December 2023).

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