Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Call for an External Evaluator

April 3, 2024

Job and training opportunities | Announcements

 Action Reference number and Lot


  Lot 2: Joint actions to further strengthen labour rights      protection

 Action title

  Decent Work Now!
  Coordinator   Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly - Vanadzor
  Implementing partners   

  Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center

  Factor Information Center NGO

  Advanced Public Research Group

  Education and Solidarity Union (tpf)

  Action Period   01.06.2021 - 06.30.2024
  Project Director   Artur Sakunts
  Project Coordinator   Vardine Grigoryan
  Evaluation timeframe   01.05.2024 – 01.08.2024




  • Action information 



To contribute to the protection of labour rights in Armenia, Decent Work Now! project aimed to reach the following overall objective: Enhancement of individual, collective, and state mechanisms of labour and social rights protection and their application in Armenia through empowerment of employees and labour unions and advocacy for legislative framework reform. 

The action took on a comprehensive approach to labour rights with a philosophy that the effectiveness of state protection mechanisms and guarantees depends on how empowered and informed individual citizens and labour unions are about their rights. This approach allowed the implementing partners to build and disseminate resources that inform citizens about their individual and collective labour rights and provide specific skills to those who decide to come together for creating unions and making use of international and local mechanisms for ensuring their right to decent work.


Actiivities in Brief

  1. To improve and implement mechanisms of protecting citizens’ labor and social rights by taking actions aimed at raising their awareness, providing the necessary legal aid and protecting their violated rights.
  2. To strengthen mechanisms of collective protection of labor rights and human rights-based approach to employment by raising awareness and developing target capacities based on reliable and complete information collected through a baseline survey.
  3. To contribute to the reform of state mechanisms of labor rights and social protection through monitoring, analysis of legislation and policy, recommendations.
  4. Added component* To assess the labour rights situation and needs of NK refugees and the implementation of state assistance programs



  1. Citizens’ labor and social rights protection mechanisms have been improved and implemented due to actions aimed at raising their awareness, providing the necessary legal aid, and protecting their violated rights. 
  2. As a result of the Action, mechanisms of collective protection of labor rights and human rights-based approach to employment have been strengthened.  
  3. The Action contributed to the reform of state mechanisms of labor rights and social protection through monitoring, analysis of legislation and policy, and recommendations.
  4. Added component* The labour rights situation and needs of NK refugees are identified, the implementation of state assistance programs is assessed, and recommendations are made 



  • Evaluation purpose 


The evaluation aims to assess project design and implementation in terms of

  • relevance
  • coherence
  • inclusiveness
  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • impact 
  • sustainability


  • Evaluation methodology and scope


Your evaluation will focus on engaging a variety of stakeholders and include preliminary desk research phase and field phase.


The desk research phase will include a review of the following:


Key project documents: Project application package including the log frame and amendments.

Progress updates: Narrative reports from implementing partners, Results of other external evaluations conducted.

Materials produced by the project: Research, analysis, policy papers, court applications, recommendations and articles produced with the project.

Media coverage: Coverage of activities and products of the Action, visibility actions undertaken.


The field research phase will include: 

Face-to-face interviews: Interviews with project teams, partners, and stakeholders.

Questionnaires:  Evaluation of the project by beneficiaries


  • Evaluator qualifications

We are seeking an individual evaluator or an evaluation team with 

  • Proven experience in conducting evaluations of EU funded projects.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret both quantitative and qualitative data.
  • A professional degree in Monitoring and Evaluation or a related area with a focus on nonprofits and/or advocacy.
  • Excellent writing, reporting and communication skills in Armenian and English.
  • Ability to travel for data collection and field research.


Knowledge and understanding of labour rights issues in Armenia and civil society involvement and reform processes will be seen as an advantage.


  • Schedule and deliverables




Deadline for applications 


Evaluator selected


Contract signed


Detailed Evaluation Plan submitted by the evaluator 


30% of payment made


Desk research materials and field research contacts shared with the evaluator


Desk Research completed


Field Research completed


Draft report in Armenian submitted


Feedback on draft report provided 12.07.2024

Final draft report in Armenian submitted


Feedback on final draft report provided


Final Report – in English and Armenian submitted


Act of Acceptance/Final payment made



  • Evaluation support and supervision 


Project Coordinator from HCA Vanadzor will provide necessary project documents and contacts to carry out the evaluation and will assist in connecting with partners and interviewees. The coordinator will be responsible for timely feedback on the plan and reports and providing regular updates and feedback opportunities to the project manager at the EU Delegation.



  • Application process


The selection of the evaluator will be based on an application containing the following sections:


  • Information about the previous experience of the company and proposed staff (resumes, portfolio, and examples of previous work)
  • An outline of the evaluation methodology 
  • Draft evaluation plan and timeline
  • Detailed Budget (Note: The Project is VAT exempt)


In case of legal entity, the application should include:  


  • Registration document of the legal entity;
  • Statement from the applicant that the organization is not being reorganized or liquidated and that there is no bankruptcy case against it;
  • Letter from the Tax Department confirming that the organization has no overdue payments to the State budget.


The application package should be sent to, cc-ed to 

With the text “DWN! External Evaluation” in the subject line

Deadline for applications: COB 15.04.2024

Note: incomplete or late arrivals will not be considered


Question can be addressed to Vardine Grigoryan, Project Coordinator: 

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