Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Armenia 2014-2015

June 27, 2016

Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | Publications | Own

HCA Vanadzor has published a report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Armenia 2014-2015, which sums up the situation of human rights defenders in Armenia in 2014-2015 and provides follow up information on the cases presented in the report on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Armenia in 2013. The report presents also information on the general political and civil situation to the extent it affects the opportunities for human rights protection. The report is based on 2014-2015 media publications, information provided by partners, as well as information received through inquires to state and local authorities.


For the purposes of this report Human Rights Defenders (hereinafter, Defenders) are those, who individually or in group defend human rights, this includes but is not limited to NGOs, activists, advocates, lawyers, whistle-blowers, and journalists. While the report refers to persecution of political/partisan actors, these cases are not presented separately, but are covered in the general context.


The full report is available here


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