Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

This is an observation on how important public awareness is for the efficiency of the Government’s decisions. A. Sakunts

March 28, 2020

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Artur Sakunts, Chairman of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor, posted on his Facebook account, ‘Sometimes I come across strange questions, such as, ‘If so many people die of coronavirus, why don’t they show coffins, corpses, funerals or other scenes of this nature?’. 


Of course, I can say, visit international media pages and you will see a lot of such materials, photos, scenes. 


But such questions show that if there is no public perception of the dangerous consequences of coronavirus, the struggle against it cannot be effective. 


This is an observation on how important public awareness is for the efficiency of the Government’s decisions.


On the other side, however, the complete picture of the situation in other countries should also be presented so as to solve the issue of public awareness and perception and to reduce the influence of various informative manipulations.  


This is why the freedom of receiving and disseminating information must not be restricted, even in times of emergency’.

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