Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

HCAV continues daily legal counseling on labor rights in the frame of the project “Decent Work Now”

August 22, 2022

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In the frame of the EU-funded project “Decent Work Now”, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office continues daily legal counseling on labor rights. In the frame of the project, our legal adviser interprets the relevant norms of the labor legislation and clarifies to what extent they are applicable in a given situation. The legal adviser also provides legal support, if the applicant’s labor rights have been violated, including by preparing the relevant documents, and representing the applicant in court, if necessary.


In the frame of the project, the legal gaps and issues identified during the legal counseling are also addressed with the appropriate steps aimed at their solution.


Since the launch of the project, legal support and assistance has been provided during legal counseling around cases of labor rights violations such as disputes concerning termination of employment by violations of requirements established by law (ungrounded dismissal), not paying the salary in a manner prescribed by law, not making the settlement, bringing an employee to disciplinary liability by violation of the procedure established by law, applying disciplinary penalties. Due to the legal support provided by HCAV, we achieved restoration of the applicants’ violated rights.


Labor rights can be violated not only in the conditions of established employment relations, but also prior to the formation of employment relations, i.e., while looking for a job. Thus, you can apply to HCAV if you have questions while searching for a job and need clarifications in any situation.


In case of questions regarding labor rights or in case of labor rights violations, call 041123302 or write to Decent Work Now. 



“Decent work now!” project is implemented by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor, Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center, Advanced Public Research Group, Factor Information Center NGO, in cooperation with the Education and Solidarity Union. 

This publication has been prepared with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the responsibility of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor and they do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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