Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

HCA Vanadzor position regarding the Draft Law “On making addenda to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia”

March 15, 2022

Labor Rights | Activities | Publications | News | Legislative Proposals | Legislative Proposals and Analysis

The RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs developed and put for public discussion the Draft Law “On making addenda to the RA Labor Code”. The Draft proposes to define the term “compulsory or forced labor”, as well as establish the scope of work not considered as such. 


In the frame of EU-funded project “Decent Work Now”, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor presented its position regarding the Draft.


HCA Vanadzor proposed to add the following to the concept of “any type of coercion” in part 2 of Article 3.2. of the Draft: physical violence, psychological threats, non-payment of salary, deprivation of rights or privileges. HCA Vanadzor also proposed to prohibit the type of work which contradicts the functions and requirements usually set for the position in the employment contract or a relevant legal act, and which does not stem from the nature of the established position, unless such type of work or task is envisaged in the contract.


Click here to read to the full position (in Armenian).


On March 10, 2022, the position was shared with Narek Mkrtchyan, RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.


This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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