Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Electoral Preparation and Monitoring by Civil Society Organisations in Armenia: #Elections4All

October 5, 2019

Past | Projects

Implementation period 


2018 November 1 – 2019 June 30


Funding organization


OxYGen Foundation for Protection of Youth and

Women Rights


Grant amount


102 226 658 AMD


Aim Short-term and long-term observations of the National Assembly election conducted by the Independent Observer Public Alliance, to support the consolidation of democratization of electoral processes in Armenia through civic oversight

Long-term observation:


Long-term observation included development of a training module and monitoring cards. Four two-day trainings of observers, organization of observer coordination. 


84 long-term observers collected information in all regions of Armenia about the campaign all political parties and regional candidates based 9 monitoring cards

Short-term observation:


34 two-day trainings were held for around 950 observer candidates. 4 additional briefings were held for mobile observers and 4 additional briefings were held for observers deployed to the territorial electoral commissions. Around 740 short-term observers collected information on E-Day about the situation in and around 300 polling stations and 36 territorial electoral commissions, based on 8 monitoring cards


Observation report:


Observation report including an analysis and assessment of the legislative framework (including implementation of international and local recommendations), political context, analysis of the campaign period and the E-Day, and detailed recommendations on legislative amendments prepared and presented to stakeholders on March 26


Follow-up survey on electoral behavior


A two-tier study included a quantitative survey with 1200 respondents statistically selected from all regions of Armenia and in-depth interviews with 18 candidates from all political parties participating in the snap parliamentary elections. The preliminary findings of the research were discussed in a small working group in June. The final results were compiled into a report together with relevant information from the observation of the campaign periods in 2017 and 2018. A follow-up meeting with project partners and beneficiaries was conducted at the end of June to assess the project and to plan future activities by Independent Observer.


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