Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Criminal proceedings initiated on account of police violence on Ferdowsi street

January 25, 2023


HCA Vanadzor Chairperson A.Sakunts lodged a crime report with the RA Investigative Committee regarding Police officials using violence and causing significant damage to citizens’ rights, freedoms and legal interests by abusing their powers in Firdusi district in Yerevan on 13 January 2023.


Noteworthy, accompanied by Police officers, the RA Compulsory Enforcement Service representatives broke the doors of warehouses and houses owned by the residents in order to ensure access of experts. According to the published video, the Police used brutal force: the video clearly shows violence being used against an elderly woman, her being dragged on the ground, as well as ill treatment of a woman who had lost consciousness. 


Based on the report, criminal proceedings were initiated under clause 1 of part 2 of Article 441 of the RA Criminal Code.


The mentioned video is available HERE 

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