Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Report on the Situation of the Rights of Conscripts during Winter 2021, Summer 2022 and Winter 2022 Call-Ups

April 3, 2023

Reports|Information Papers|Brochures

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor considers protection of the rights of conscripts and oversight of the call-up process as one of the key components of human rights protection and civil oversight. And thus, since 2008, HCAV has been monitoring the call-up process. 


The Organization has compiled a report on the situation of the rights of conscripts who applied to HCAV in winter 2021, summer 2022 and winter 2022 call-ups (1 August 2021 - 31 January 2023). The report also addresses the issues raised by reservists who applied to HCAV since 2021, when regular training gatherings started to be held in the Republic of Armenia (1 August 2021 - 31 January 2023).


Below we present results of HCAV’s legal support.

As a result of written and oral legal support

• 5 conscripts were recognized unfit for military service and were exempted from military service,

• 3 were recognized temporarily unfit for military service /they were granted a three-year deferral/,

• 1 person was granted a 6-month deferral due to health problems,

• 1 person, who had applied to have the grounds for deferral based on family status clarified, was granted a 6-month deferral provided that he would continue his  secondary vocational education, and later another 6-month deferral due to family conditions,

• 1 person, who had applied to have the grounds for deferral based on family status clarified, was granted a 1-year deferral based on being involved in a certain sports team,

• 1 reservist was exempted from participation in training gatherings,

• 1 reservist, who had participated in war operations in the frame of the mobilization call-up, had a relevant note made in his military book on having participated in combat activities.


To sum up, 5 conscripts who applied to HCAV were exempted from military service due to health problems, 3 were recognized temporarily unfit for military service, 3 were granted a deferral for up to one year, 1 reservist was exempted from participation in training gatherings, 1 reservist had a relevant note made in his military book on having participated in combat operations.

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