Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Human rights protection in emergency situations and in the conditions of the entailing risks and challenges

March 12, 2021

Past | Projects

Implementation period

March 1, 2021 – March 1, 2022

Funding organization

Open Society Foundations - Armenia

Grant amount

240,945 US dollars


The project is aimed at the effective implementation of HCA Vanadzor strategic action plan.


Strategic Goal 1. To contribute to the protection of human rights and restoration of violated rights in emergency situations caused by the Coronavirus pandemic and hostilities.


Strategic Goal 2. To contribute to the reform of human rights protection policy, effectiveness of the mechanisms and development of civil oversight in the post-revolutionary RA in order to withstand the negative impact of emergency situations.


Strategic Goal 3.  To contribute to the spread of the idea of human rights, to promote people’s legal awareness, expansion of human rights and peace-building movement in the post-revolutionary RA in order to overcome the emergency situations-related obstacles.


Strategic Goal 4.  To develop the organization’s infrastructure basis, organizational culture and institutional capacities in order to ensure the effectiveness of the organization’s activity in emergency situations.

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