Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Who is subject to the mobilization call-up announced on September 27

September 28, 2020

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Taking into account numerous questions of the citizens who applied to HCA Vanadzor, we have prepared information to raise awareness about who is subject to the mobilization call-up announced on September 27.


✅The involvement in military service is implemented by the mobilization call-up for citizens enlisted in the reserve according to Article 4 clause 2 of the RA Law “On military service and the status of servicemen”:


✅In the reserve, the enlistment of citizens is made according to the military service staff, by two age groups.


✅In the first group of the reserve, the following persons are enlisted:


1) private, junior non-commissioned and senior non-commissioned reservists up to 48 years old,


2) junior officer reservists up to 50 years old,


3) senior officer staff reservists with military ranks of “major” and “lieutenant colonel”  up to 55 years old,


4) senior officer staff reservists with the military rank of “colonel” up to 58 years old, 


5) supreme staff of officer reservists with the military ranks of “major general” and “lieutenant general” up to 65 years old,


6) supreme staff of officer reservists with the military ranks of “colonel-general” and “general of the army” up to 70 years old. (Article 57 of the RA Law On Military Service and the Status of the Serviceman


✅The following citizens are not subject to the mobilization call-up:


1) the citizens enshrined in a manner prescribed by the Government of the Republic of Armenia,


2) the citizens recognized unfit for military service due to their health state,


3) the citizens who have four and more children,


4) the citizens who are MPs of the RA National Assembly. (Article 29 part 2 of the RA Law On Defense ).


✅In case of mobilization, too, the list of diseases defining the degree of fitness for military service is established by the RA Government’s decision N 404-N of 12 April 2018, which is available at


✅Examination and medical expertise of citizens’ health state.


Examination and medical expertise of citizens’ health state are conducted when doing their military enlistment, including their involvement in mobilization call-up, contract military service and gathering-training. For cases mentioned in this part, citizens’ examination, expertise and treatment are conducted as a priority and free of charge in the frame of medical aid and service guaranteed by the state. (Article 17 of the RA Law on Military Service and the Status of the Serviceman” ).


✅Evasion from a mobilization call-up presupposes a punishment in the form of arrest for a term of up to two months or imprisonment for a term of up to three years. Article 327 of the RA Criminal Code


✅The citizens’ participation in the defense and their obligations.

Citizens are obliged not to be absent from their residence place without the permission of the relevant military commissariat in case mobilization has been announced in a manner prescribed by law. (Article 14 of the RA Law “On Defense” ).

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