Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Real threats to the complete and effective exercise of the RA Health and Labor Inspectorate powers

November 19, 2019

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The state of the rights of the protection of employees working in the RA state and private organizations is seriously concerning in terms of proper fulfillment of obligations undertaken by the RA in international agreements. 


HCA Vanadzor applied to the head of the Inspectorate to assess the efficiency of the fulfillment of labor legislation requirements by employers. In response, it was stated that during 2017-2019, employers provided the inspectorate with 27 accidents’ service investigation materials, and 31 more materials were submitted as a result of administrative proceedings initiated based on information from other sources.  


The Head of the Inspectorate underscored that current legal regulations do not ensure full submission of information about accidents and occupational diseases. Many cases remain undisclosed and the problems they entailed remain unsolved.   


The number of violations recorded by the Inspectorate gives the realistic assessment of the situation that current legislative regulations do not envisage state oversight over compliance with labor legislation requirements.  


Based on the aforementioned, it is necessary


  1. to make current Inspectorate powers in line with the requirements of ILO conventions and Revised European Social Charter ratified by the RA,
  2. that in the condition of establishing safe workplaces that are harmless to health, the Inspectorate be empowered with sufficient toolkit, including legal leverages, with the purpose of assessing risks in the sphere and take relevant preventive measures,
  3. establish legal mechanisms to ensure that the employers properly inform the Inspectorate about accidents at workplace and occupational diseases and that oversight over the process is implemented.


HCA Vanadzor touched upon the restricted powers of the Inspectorate, as well as improper state oversight over compliance with legislative requirements that they entail, and presented recommendations.


The full document is available HERE

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