Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

The number of those in favor of membership in European organizations increased in 2021

December 27, 2021

Activities | Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | State Institutions | Own | Civilian Oversight and Monitoring

According to the study conducted by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor, in 2021, as compared to 2019, the number of respondents in favor of membership in European organizations increased. In contrast, the number of those in favor of membership in EAEU decreased.


The sociological survey was conducted with the involvement of APR Group NGO in the whole RA territory. The survey has been conducted for the sixth time already since 2014.One of the survey objectives is to find out society’s positions regarding the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.


34% of respondents were in favor of the RA being a member of the European Union, 15% were in favor of membership in EAEU, 27% were in favor of both and 11% were against both.


In the frame of the survey, we also found out the public’s perception as to which countries are friendly and which countries are hostile towards Armenia. Compared to previous years, Russia has  gone significantly down the list of countries friendly to Armenia.


If we compare results of 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2021, we can notice that after war operations, respondents’ attitude towards the Russian Federation and EAEU is noticeably negative. 


There is a direct correlation between the number of those considering the RF’s attitude friendly and the number of those in favor of membership in EAEU. The same is not true in terms of France and the attitude towards the European Union: positive attitude towards France among respondents does not impact their preference of membership in the European Union. 


Considering the whole period of the survey since 2014, we can see that in most regions, the number of those in favor of Armenia being a member of EAEU has decreased in 2021. In half of the regions, the number of those in favor of the RA membership in EU has grown. The number has grown most in Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Gegharkunik. The number has decreased most in Lori.


The number of those who are in favor of membership both in EU and EAEU has grown most in Lori, Tavush and Aragatsotn, and has reduced most in Gegharkunik, Syunik and Shirak.


There is a pattern in these positions also according to gender throughout this period. Those in favor of the RA membership in the EU are mostly female and those in favor of the RA  membership in EAEU are mostly male. 


The picture has changed in terms of sources of information. Previously, majority of those whose source of information was TV - which is controlled by the authorities and has a wide audience - were in favor of the RA membership in EAEU, and the majority of those whose source of information was social sites - less controlled by the authorities - preferred membership in the European Union. Currently, however, the picture is different. Various views are presented via television and information does not take one direction. In such situations, the number of those preferring membership “in both EU and EAEU” grows. We have the same picture regarding public opinions formed by the print media. And when it comes to those following online media, there are many preferring membership in the European Union. 


According to the data of 2021, there is also a link between those who want to emigrate and those who prefer membership in the European Union: supporters of EU membership are more prone to emigrate. It can be assumed during the year after war operations, emigration intentions are intensifying in public moods. What is even more, those are not intentions to emigrate to Russia.


Attitudes towards the future of the country have also become pessimistic.


For survey data per age, education degree, income size and other criteria, click HERE (in Armenian)

views: 369


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