Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Among 8 countries of the OSCE region, Armenia’s torture prohibition index takes the third place

July 14, 2021

Activities | Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | Index of prohibition of torture | Right to Freedom from Torture | Joint | Publications | State Institutions | Civilian Oversight and Monitoring

The Civic Solidarity Platform's Working Group on the Fight against Torture developed torture prohibition index, where Armenia takes the third place among 8 countries of the OSCE region (the index for 2020 was 104). From Armenia, HCA Vanadzor participated in the calculation of the index.   


Torture prohibition indices were computed also for Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. 


As compared to the previous year, Armenia has improved its indicator (the index for 2019 was computed at 93,77). This is conditioned by the fact that during the process of collecting information of 2020, RA state structures were more open and willing to cooperate.


At the same time, the index of effectiveness of investigations into torture cases is 1,83 out of 10. It was also found out that no judgement holding liable torture perpetrators was made in the Republic of Armenia in 2020. 3 criminal cases were initiated against torture victims after they filed a complaint. Those charged with torture were released from responsibility through amnesty or expiry of the statute of limitations. 


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