Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

.The Court recognized extinguished the sentence of the person not registered due to the negligence of an official

October 1, 2018

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Today, on October 1, 2018, Yerevan General Jurisdiction Court, presided by Judge A. Mkrtchyan, upheld the application of S. E. and his representative, HCA Vanadzor lawyer S. Soghomonyan, and recognized the sentence of S. E. extinguished.

S. E. was found guilty of committing a crime during his military service and was sentenced to imprisonment for 4 years and 3 months. At the same time, the Court decided not to impose the sentence with the condition of setting a probation period of one year. Later, however, S.E. was not registered in accordance with the established order and probation period was not set due to the negligence of the relevant official. S.E. was registered in Yerevan department of the State Probation Service of Ministry of Justice of the RA only on June 20, 2018.

In the application filed to the Court, there were presented grounds to recognize S.E.’s sentence extinguished. During the court session, S.E.’s lawyer S. Soghomonyan claimed the submitted application and requested to uphold it.

The prosecutor and the representative of the Probation Service of the RA Ministry of Justice did not appear before the Court but had not objected to the application during the previous court session.

Considering the examination of the application completed, the Court left for the consulting room to make a decision and upheld the application with the decision publicized later.

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