Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Reference on the implementation of action plan derived from the National Strategy on Human Rights Protection

September 20, 2016

Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | Publications | Own

HCA Vanadzor conducted a study on the implementation of the action plan derived from the National Strategy on Human Rights Protection in 2015. A similar study was also conducted by the Organization in 2014, the findings of which were compiled in the reference issued in July, 2015.


The project was approved by the RA Government on February 27, 2014.


The study was conducted through the analysis of inquires addressed to the responsible state authorities and official electronic sources. The study findings suggested that authorized agencies failed to properly focus on the implementation of activities foreseen by the Action plan, which negatively impacted on the full and efficient implementation of the actions.


56 actions to be implemented for 2015 were evaluated pursuant to the expected results. Accordingly,




Pursuant to the study findings, a number of issues were recorded, including improper oversight by the responsible agencies, failure of the result actions to be measurable which entailed difficulties in their assessment, moreover, the agencies responsible for a number of actions denied being addressees. Recommendations with regard to the aforementioned and other issues were proposed.


Details are available in the reference.



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