Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

HCA Vanadzor has undertaken the protection of the rights of 8 participants of April 2018 protests

April 30, 2019

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HCA Vanadzor has undertaken the protection of the rights of 8 citizens who had been injured by policemen’s actions during non-violent, peaceful demonstrations of civilian disobedience that took place in April, 2018.


The protection of their rights is carried out by HCA Vanadzor lawyers Ani Chatinyan, Arayik Zalyan, Syuzanna Soghomonyan and Artur Harutyunyan.


A claim of compensation for damage from the RA Police has been filed to the Court in the cases of 3 out of 8 citizens.


The RA Administrative Court has already ruled a judgment regarding the case of S. Poghosyan and recognized illegitimate the policemen’s actions of apprehending him and holding in the police division longer than the time period envisaged by law.


It is noteworthy that after the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan, the criminal cases, within the framework of which demonstrators were prosecuted, were dropped. Moreover, the policemen failed to present proofs regarding substantiations of apprehension and stopped prosecutions.


This creates grounds to suppose that the criminal cases pursued the aim of creating an atmosphere of panic and fear among the demonstrators and thus reduce their number. 


The policemen violated the protesters’ rights to the freedom of assembly, the rights to freedom and personal inviolability and the rights to be free from torture, as well as subjected them to illegal persecutions.  


Sargis Poghosyan was apprehended and brought to the police division from Yerevan city Arshakunyats St. on April 19, 2018, and was held in the police division longer than the 3 hours envisaged by law. Despite the RA Police’s claims that these actions of the policemen were legal and violations were made by objective reasons, the Court recorded that there were no legal grounds for either apprehending or holding S. Poghosyan in the police division longer than 3 hours. By the judgment dated March 21, 2019, the policemen’s actions were recognized illegitimate.


Tigran Balayan was apprehended from Yerevan city Amiryan-Mashtots crossroads on April 17, 2018. Before apprehending him, the police officials hit him several times when T. Balayan stayed where he was after the rest of the demonstrators left. He claimed that the policemen introduce themselves, to which the latter responded in abusive words. When he was in the police division, his rights (including the right to apply to medical aid) were explained to him. He was transferred to hospital, where a record of his injuries was made and the policemen left. A criminal case was initiated on the report filed by T. Balayan, the latter was recognized as a victim.


On December 13, 2018, HCA Vanadzor lawyer Ani Chatinyan filed an action with the Court for material damages from the RA Police. She claimed that the Court recognize the violation of T. Balayan’s right to freedom and personal inviolability and the fact of being subjected to illegal criminal prosecution and redress the victim.


Avetis Keshishyan was arrested on April 22, 2018, on the grounds of the suspicion under Article 225 part 2 of the RA Criminal Code and was transferred to the place of detention and arrest where he stayed for 24-26 hours. HCA Vanadzor filed a report on crime to the RA Special Investigation Service and it was attached to the already initiated case. A. Keshishyan was recognized as a victim.


On January 10, 2019, a claim of compensation for damage was filed within the framework of his case.


Manushak Melkonyan was apprehended on April 21, 2018, after participating in a car march. She was taken to the Police Central Division by 4 persons dressed in civilian clothes and was kept there for 7.5 hours. An accusation was filed against M. Melkonyan under Article 258 part 1 of the RA Criminal Code. The criminal prosecution stopped only after the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan. Before stopping the criminal prosecution, M. Melkonyan was in the situation of an accused in fear, panic and uncertainty.


On November 1, 2018, based on the violation of the right to freedom and personal inviolability, HCA Vanadzor lawyer Arayik Zalyan filed a claim with the Court regarding the compensation for non-pecuniary damage and claimed that the RA Police provide a compensation in the amount of 1,112,260 AMD.


On April 21, 2018 Tamara Sargsyan and her minor daughter Arevik Vardanyan were apprehended without any legal grounds on Baghramyan avenue by a car without a license plate and were kept in the Police Arabkir division longer than 3 hours again reasoning non compliance with the legal requirement of the Police.


Once again the Police failed to obtain proofs substantiating the fact of an offence and declared about this in the report dated June 5, 2018.  


Tamara Sargsyan and Arevik Vardanyan were recognized as victims within the framework of the criminal case initiated in the RA Special Investigation Service. The protection of their rights is carried out by HCA Vanadzor lawyers Syuzanna Soghomonyan and Artur Harutyunyan. On January 23, 2019, they filed an application with the RA Administrative Court claiming to recognize illegitimate the actions of the Police directed at Tamara Sargsyan and Arevik Vardanyan.


On April 17, 2018, at around 10:30 a.m., when participating in peaceful demonstrations, Anton Ivchenko was apprehended in Yerevan city Mashtots division without being explained where, why and with what purpose he was being taken.


Moreover, when he asked why he was being taken, the policemen answered, “Because you’re red-haired, that’s why”.


Administrative proceedings for non-compliance with the legal requirement of the police were carried out until 12:40 p.m., yet, he was released only at around 5:20 p.m. Before that, his health state got deteriorated and an ambulance was called.


A criminal case was initiated in the RA Special Investigation Service, Anton Ivchenko was recognized as a victim. HCA Vanadzor lawyer Artur Harutyunyan undertook the protection of his rights.


A claim was filed with the RA Administrative Court demanding to recognize illegitimate the policemen’s actions of apprehending Anton Ivchenko and holding him in the police division without legal grounds.


On April 19, 2018, at around 10:40 a.m., the policemen apprehended Davit Bulanikyan. He was not provided with any clarification as to why and where he was being taken, either.


In Malatia police division of Yerevan city, administrative proceedings were carried out for not doing the legal requirement of the police representative, a protocol was made, after which he was released at around 3:30 p.m.


Bulanikyan was recognized as a victim within the framework of the criminal case initiated in the RA Special Investigation Service. The protection of his rights is carried out by HCA Vanadzor lawyer Artur Harutyunyan.


An application was filed with the RA Administrative Court claiming to recognize illegitimate the policemen’s actions of apprehending Bulanikyan and holding him in the police division without any legal grounds.


HCA Vanadzor will be consistent in the matter of the protection of the rights of persons who were subjected to illegal persecutions by the police, as well as in the restoration of the formers’ violated rights.


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