Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

”Independent observer” will observe the future election of local self-government bodies in all the 19 communities

September 26, 2019

Activities | Publications | News | Activities of Local Self-Government Bodies | Civilian Oversight and Monitoring

During the elections of local self-government bodies to be held in Armenia on September 29, 2019, “Independent Observer” Alliance will conduct short-term observance in all the communities where elections are envisaged to be conducted.  


On September 29, elections on community head and member of the Council of Elders will be held in 19 communities of Ararat, Armavir, Aragatsotn, Lori, Tavush, Shirak and Gegharkunik regions. All the observers who take part in the mission were trained on September 21 and 22. On the election day, 3 mobile groups will also be working.


In the frame of the mission, besides observing, without interfering with the confidentiality of the electors’ voting or specific attitude towards candidates, queries will also be conducted near the polling stations to find out peculiarities of the electors’ decision-making on the local self-government bodies election.


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