Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Report on the death cases in the RA armed forces in the first semester of 2024

August 14, 2024

Activities | Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | Publications | Own

Based on the information disseminated through mass media and official sources, as well as information reported by the relatives of servicemen to HCA Vanadzor, along with the results of the summary of information requests submitted by the Organization to the official structures such as the RA Defense Ministry, the RA General Prosecutor’s office, and the RA Investigative Committee, HCA Vanadzor has prepared a report on the death cases in the RA armed forces in the first semester of 2024.  



According to the summarized data, 27 death cases of servicemen were recorded in the RA armed forces in the first semester of 2024, of which: 



9 as a result of a car accident

4: violation of the ceasefire regime,

4: health problems

4: suicide or incitement to suicide

3 - murder

2: unfortunate incident

1 - fire 



For the comparison, we note that in the first semester of 2023, 52 death cases in the armed forces were recorded, of which:



15 as a result of violation of the rules for dealing with weapons, munitions, and dangerous substances, 

13: Violation of the ceasefire regime

9: car accident

8: health problems

5: suicide or incitement to suicide 

2: unfortunate incident 



Compared to the first half of 2023, in the first half of 2024, the number of deaths as a result of the violation of the ceasefire regime in combat conditions has reduced by 69 percent (13 and 4 cases, respectively). In contrast to the first half of 2023, when around 10 percent (5 servicemen) of the conscripts died due to the violation of the ceasefire regime, in the same period of 2024, no death cases of conscripts were recorded as a result of the violation of the ceasefire regime, which indicates that either the latter are better prepared for combat duty or fewer conscripts are included in combat duty, as those who died in 2024 due to the violation of the ceasefire regime are only members of the Yrkrapah Volunteer Union. 


Referring to the death cases of members of Yrkrapah Volunteer Union (YVU), we state that compared to the first half of 2023, when 2 percent of died conscripts were YVU members; 1 serviceman, during the same period of 2024, the 29 percent of died servicemen were members of YVU; 5 servicemen. Moreover, the death of 4 members out of 5 died members of YVU was the violation of the ceasefire regime, which indicates that an attempt is being made to significantly increase the number of YVU members conducting combat duty, which may be due to the implementation of the concept of "creating a professional army," which is a priority of the "Armed Forces Reforms" component of the government's 2021-2026 five-year program. At the same time, the defense department should focus on the development of skills and abilities for the strict adherence to military discipline and safety regulations by all servicemen, including members of the Yerkrapah Volunteer Union (YVU). 


The death cases in the armed forces as a result of murder and suicide continue to be a serious challenge for the implementation of reforms in the armed forces. In the first half of 2024, the number of death cases due to murder and suicide has increased compared to the same period of 2023. If 5 cases were registered in the first half of 2023, all due to suicide, which constitutes 10 percent of the total number of deaths, then 7 cases (suicide-4, murder-3) were recorded in the first half of 2024, which constitutes 26 percent of the total number of deaths. 


In the first half of 2024, in all 4 cases classified as suicide, the deceased were contract servicemen. 1 officer, 1 YVU member, and 1 conscript died as a result of 3 cases classified as murder. 3 out of 4 suicide cases were considered related to military service; the other 1 case was not related. All 3 cases classified as murder were considered related to military service.  


In comparison, it should be noted that if in the first half of 2023, 3 of the 5 soldiers who died as a result of suicide were conscripts, then in the first half of 2024, those committing suicide are contract servicemen, including members of the YVU. 


More details in the report.

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