Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

The most popular anti-corruption NGO among respondents is HCA Vanadzor

February 24, 2020


According to the study of public opinion on corruption in Armenia in 2019, the majority of respondents, i.e. 38.2%, mentioned Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor in the first place on the list of non-governmental organizations engaged in anti-corruption activity


On that list, HCA Vanadzor is followed by the Union of Informed Citizens – 14.9 %, then Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center – 11.9%.  Accordingly, the rest were mentioned less. 


The survey was conducted by Caucasus Research Resource Center by the order of Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center.  


Moreover, those informed about HCA Vanadzor anti-corruption activity are mainly persons with incomplete and complete secondary education (39.9%) and persons with secondary vocational and incomplete higher education (51.7%). HCA Vanadzor anti-corruption activity awareness level is also not low among persons with higher and postgraduate education (33.5%).   


In general, 29.4% of the respondents assessed NGO structures’ anti-corruption activity as effective, nearly the same percent (30.9%) have a contrary opinion.  


Nevertheless, the authors of the report mention that the majority of the respondents, i.e. 94.3%, was not aware of NGOs with missions of struggling against corruption in Armenia.


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