Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor


April 10, 2023

Current Announcements | Announcements

In response to the information about alleged threat of RF citizen Y.T’s .detention and extradition to the RF by the RA law enforcement bodies, 


Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor human rights NGO undertakes protection of the rights and freedoms of this citizen


and states that if there are foreign nationals and persons without citizenship who have come to the RA because of persecutions in their states of citizenship or residence due to their political views or beliefs, and have criminal cases initiated against themselves in their countries, and if there is real threat that they will be subjected to physical and psychological violence, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment, torture or death penalty if returned to their countries,


the RA, represented by the relevant competent bodies,


should refrain from organizing extradition of those persons to the requesting country. 


According to the RA Constitution, domestic legislation and international treaties and conventions ratified by the RA, no-one can be extradited to a foreign country, even if it is that person’s country of citizenship, where there are substantial grounds for believing that he/she would be in danger of being subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment.


Thus, in the conditions of such dangers, any activity aimed at extradition  not only directly violates imperative norms of the RA legislation, but is also a direct encroachment on democratic and legal values. Therefore, HCA Vanadzor calls on the RA law enforcement bodies to refrain from such illegal activities and, in any case, stay committed to the protection of the rights and freedoms of a human being as the highest value.


* At the same time, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor states that all foreign nationals or persons without citizenship, who were persecuted in their country due to their beliefs and currently face the legal issue of being extradited by the RA, can apply to the Organization to get legal assistance.


To get legal assistance, the mentioned persons can call the Organization’s lawyers at the numbers below:




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