Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

No criminal case was initiated on the basis of HCA Vanadzor report pertaining to property and financial means acquisition of the Republican Party of Armenia

April 5, 2019

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Having examined HCA Vanadzor report pertaining to property and financial means acquisition of the Republican Party of Armenia for four months in the RA Police central division, it was found out that the report did not contain information on crime.


Kentron and Nork-Mrash administrative districts’ senior prosecutor H. Khachatryan informed about this by his note dated February 11, 2019 in response to HCA Vanadzor query to get information regarding the fate of the crime report filed months before.


In the report filed on November 2, 2018, HCA Vanadzor invoked the declarations presented by the Republican Party of Armenia (who had been ruling for 20 years at that time) during the parliamentary elections in April 2017, which made it obvious that the Republican Party of Armenia had thrice more financial and property resources in comparison with all the other parties operating in Armenia together and they were located on the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia.


On January 22, 2019, having waited for information pertaining to the fate of the report for three months, HCA Vanadzor applied to the RA Prosecutor General A. Davtyan in order to get the decision taken and received Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts’ senior Prosecutor H. Khachatryan’s response on not initiating a criminal case.


H. Khachatryan informed that in accordance with the conclusion dated December 27, 2018, after conducting examining actions, the materials were attached to the Secretariat order.


It should be noted that the report containing information on crime was not accepted by the relevant competent authority as such and the latter did not take any decision on it within the meaning of Criminal Procedure Code. Whereas, he had the obligation to make a decision and present it to the person who had filed the report.


On March 27, 2019, HCA Vanadzor applied to the RA Prosecutor General A. Davtyan claiming to make a decision based on the report and present it to HCA Vanadzor.


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