Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

“Independent Observer” Alliance has started the long-term observation and is recruiting short-term observers

May 7, 2021

Activities | Electoral Process | Right to Vote and to Participate in a Referendum | Publications | News | Civilian Oversight and Monitoring

The “Independent Observer” Alliance, represented by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor office, Union of Informed Citizens and Direct Democracy NGO, has already started the long-term observation of elections envisaged to be held on June 20.  

Before the official launch of the election’s campaign, 24 observers will be conducting long-term observation; 40 more observers will join them after the launch of the campaign.

Currently, the “Independent Observer” is recruiting short-term observers and carrying out preparatory work; training of the observers will start in late May. 


To become a short-term observer, fill out this application form.

Read the details here


On the voting day, observation will be conducted in at least 200 polling stations and in all the District Electoral Commissions. 


A team of 25 lawyers will be providing legal aid with respect to violations made both on the election day and during the pre-election period.  


We appeal to all our partners and those advocating for strengthening democracy in Armenia to support the observation mission, disseminate the information, participate in the observation, and alarm in case of compulsion, threats, election bribes and any other violation that you are aware of. 


views: 344


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