Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

The child’s right to be heard continues to be violated in Armenia

June 1, 2022

Announcements | Own

International Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1. 


The right to life and development, prohibition of torture, and prioritizing the child’s best interests is of crucial importance for the child.


Protection of children’s rights is one of the objectives of the activity of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor. The Organization is involved in the group of observers monitoring institutions providing care to children, the elderly and persons with disabilities; and thus, HCAV monitors rights of children in those institutions.


The child’s right to be heard is one of the worrisome issues in Armenia. In 1992, Armenia ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, however, one of the child’s fundamental rights enshrined in the Convention - the right to be heard - is still not implemented in various spheres of life.


In particular, the RA Law on “Children’s rights” does not guarantee the child’s right to be heard in matters concerning their health. Confidentiality of medical counselling and receiving a medical service without a parent’s consent have not been guaranteed to date. UN Committee on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that all adolescents have the right to have access to confidential medical counselling and advice without the consent of a parent or guardian, irrespective of age, if they so wish. This is distinct from the right to give medical consent and should not be subject to any age limit.


Furthermore, ensuring the right to physical and mental integrity remains concerning in Armenia, corporal punishments are still being used as an up-bringing method, while the body of trusteeship and guardianship remains ineffective in terms of preventing violence towards children.


HCA Vanadzor continues its action towards eliminating the identified issues and fully ensuring children’s rights in Armenia.

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