Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Study: Introduction of the institute of the Military Ombudsman in the Republic of Armenia

May 11, 2022

Activities | Reports|Information Papers|Brochures | Publications | Closed and Semi-Closed Institutions | Civilian Oversight and Monitoring | Legislative Proposals | Legislative Proposals and Analysis

During its human rights activity, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly - Vanadzor has always recorded human rights problems in the Armed Forces and attached importance to development of recommendations to solve them.


Based on the best international practice, HCA Vanadzor adopted the approach, according to which development of national human rights mechanisms should be accompanied by the formation of specialized ombudsmen. 


Back in 2016, in the assessment of the RA Draft Law “On the RA Human Rights Defender”, HCA Vanadzor stressed the importance of establishing a military ombudsman. This recommendation still persists, as human rights issues continue to have systemic nature in the Armed Forces.


That is why, through this study of the effectiveness of the institutional structure of the military ombudsman, HCA Vanadzor again addresses the current issues and presents a recommendation to initiate systemic changes. The study was carried out in 2020.


The study addresses the concept of Military Ombudsman, international practice of introducing the institute, legal regulations, functions, as well as the preferred way of forming a military ombudsman in the Republic of Armenia.



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