Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

October 5. Schools and kindergartens in Stepanakert greatly damaged as a result of missile strikes by Azerbaijani armed forces.

October 5, 2020

Activities | Peacebuilding | Project։ Stability of HCA Vanadzor in the light of democracy and human rights challenges in the Republic of Armenia 2020 | Peaceful Regulation of Conflicts | Publications | News

On October 4, RA journalistic organizations made a statement, where they noted that Azerbaijan is grossly violating the humanitarian norms envisaged by the Geneva Convention.


On October 5, Artsakh Human Rights Defender’s Office published an interim Report on the Antrocities Committed by Azerbaijan against the Population of Artsakh and included in it data of civilians who, as of 03.10.2020, had become victims as a result of the military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsak.


The Human Rights Defender informed that on October 4 and 5, Azerbaijan continued the bombardment of civil infrastructure and residential buildings in Stepanakert, capital city of Artsakh, by using heavy missiles and aircraft bombs.  


Republic of Artsakh, c. Stepanakert, a residential house struck by missiles



 As a result of missile strikes by Azerbaiani armed forces, schools and kindergartens in Stepanakert were greatly damaged.


According to the preliminary information, as a result of missile strikes of October 4, 4 civilians were killed and 10 civilians were wounded. Information on this is being clarified. 



It was also recorded in the report that as a result of Azerbaijani war crimes 19 civilians were killed and 80 civilians were wounded, around 2700 properties and infrastructures were damaged. Civilians were killed and wounded as a result of banned weapons and methods used by the Azerbaijani armed forces against the civilian population.


Later, new data were published by the Armenian Unified Infocenter: 21 victims, 82 wounded persons and 2704 properties and buildings.


On October 5, RA Human Rights Defender also published an ad-hoc report on Azerbaijani drones’ targeted attacks against peaceful population of Armenia and Artsakh in grave breach of international law: Azerbaijani drones’ targeted attacks against peaceful population of Armenia and Artsakh are in grave breach of International Law: investigation results of Armenia’s Human Rights Defender.


The report was sent to international organizations and media, public authorities of Armenia, including to the representative of Armenia before ECTH.


Read about the previous days HERE

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