Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor

Municipality’s decision to penalize the resident for the renovation of the apartment balcony will be quashed

October 16, 2018

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Yesterday, on October 15, 2018, the RA Administrative Court publicized the decision by which they upheld the claim of G.S. who had been penalized by Yerevan municipality for renovation and strengthening works of the balcony.
Supported by HCA Vanadzor, G. S. filed a claim to the RA Administrative Court with the demand of quashing the decision of penalizing him made on October 11, 2017, by A. Martirosyan, head of Investigation division for administrative violations of staff of Yerevan Municipality.

Before applying to the Court, G.S. appealed the decision to Yerevan mayor T. Margaryan, but the latter left A. Martirosyan’s decision unchanged.

We will present the details after receiving the Court’s decision.

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